
Metrics Provider

Updated October 11, 2023

Metrics Provider is an element connecting a Managed Service for Kubernetes cluster object to Yandex Monitoring.

The provider converts a query to fetch external metrics from a Kubernetes cluster object to the required Yandex Monitoring format and also performs the reverse conversion: from Yandex Monitoring to a cluster object.

Deployment instructions
  1. Install the jq JSON stream processor:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt install jq
  2. Create a service account with the monitoring.viewer role.

  3. Create a service account key and save it to your local machine:

    yc iam key create \
      --service-account-id <service account ID> \
      --folder-id <folder ID> \
      --cloud-id <cloud ID> \
      --description metrics-provider \
      --format json \
      -o key.json

    Command result:

      "id": "<service account key ID>",
      "service_account_id": "<service account ID>",
      "created_at": "2022-01-27T03:29:45.139311367Z",
      "description": "metrics-provider",
      "key_algorithm": "RSA_2048"

    Save the service account and the service account key IDs: you will use them for subsequent installation steps.

  4. Configure the application:

    • Namespace: Select a namespace or create a new one.

    • Application name: Enter an application name.

    • Folder ID: Specify the ID of the folder where Metrics Provider will run.

    • Time window: Specify the time window for which metrics will be collected (in DdHhMmSs format, such as 5d10h30m20s).

    • (optional) Disable decimation: Select this option not to apply a data decimation function.

    • (optional) Aggregation function: Select a data aggregation function. Default value: AVG.

    • (optional) Data filling: Select settings to fill in missing data:

      • NULL: Returns null as the metric value and timestamp as the timestamp value. Default value.
      • NONE: Returns no values.
      • PREVIOUS: Returns the value from the previous data point.
    • (optional) Maximum number of points: Specify the maximum number of points that will be returned in response to a request. The value of the parameter must be greater than 10.

    • (optional) Decimation time window: Specify a time window (grid) in milliseconds. Used for decimation: Points inside the window are combined into a single one using the aggregation function. The value of the parameter must be greater than 0.


      Select only one of the settings: either Maximum number of points or Decimation time window. Leave both the fields blank not to use either setting. For more information, see the API documentation.

    • Service account private key: Copy the contents of the key.json file to this field.

  5. Click Install.

Billing type
Kubernetes® Application
Developer tools
Yandex Cloud
Use cases
  • Converting Kubernetes cluster metrics to a Yandex Monitoring-compatible format.
Technical support

Yandex Cloud technical support responds to requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The types of requests handled and the relevant response times depend on your pricing plan. You can activate paid support in the Management console. Learn more about requesting technical support.

Product composition
Helm chartVersion
Docker imageVersion
By using this product you agree to the and the terms and conditions of the following software: Yandex Cloud Marketplace Terms of Use.
Billing type
Kubernetes® Application
Developer tools
Yandex Cloud