Yandex Managed Service for Elasticsearch

A service for managing Elasticsearch and Kibana clusters in the Yandex Cloud infrastructure.

Yandex Managed Service for Elasticsearch will no longer be available starting April 11, 2024.

As of July 20, 2023, new users will no longer be able to create Elasticsearch clusters

As an alternative, you can create OpenSearch clusters in Yandex Cloud, and transfer data from existing Elasticsearch clusters to the Managed Service for OpenSearch.

Elasticsearch cloud partner

Get access to new functionalities, security patches, and other Elasticsearch improvements with official subscriptions.

Optimal configuration

You can deploy a ready-to-use cluster in just a few minutes. Elasticsearch and Kibana stack settings are initially optimized for the cluster size you selected.

Low upkeep

Invest your time in your project, and we’ll take care of cluster maintenance: software backups, monitoring, fault tolerance, and updates.

Index sharding

Index sharding reduces the load on each host and makes it easy to scale a cluster under peak loads.

Data visualization

It’s much easier to develop an infrastructure if you have a visual representation of system behaviour. Create trends, make forecasts, and evaluate system stability in a user-friendly interface.


To create fault-tolerant geo-distributed Elasticsearch and Kibana clusters, just select the number of hosts and specify availability zones.

Official Elastic Stack subscriptions

Search and visualization
Data ingest and transformation
Security and encryption
Additional visualization tools
Extended monitoring and alerts
Extended geoanalytics
Graph analytics
Machine learning
Extended access control

Feature unavailable

Feature available

Implement your projects using Managed Service for Elasticsearch

Log storage and analytics

Collect statistics from various sources: applications, operating systems, and devices. Elasticsearch aggregates and indexes data, and Kibana helps you perform analytics on this data.

Search engines

Create multi-tenant search engines. Elasticsearch analyzes added documents and arranges them according to the specified indexes.

Distributed system monitoring

Use Managed Service for Elasticsearch to store and visualize data with complex structures received from tracing applications. Set up collecting data from all applications and track changes over time.

Getting started

Select the necessary computing capacity and create a ready-to-use Elasticsearch cluster.

Questions and answers

What is Elasticsearch used for?

Elasticsearch is a distributed search, analytics and storage engine. Elasticsearch is suitable for indexing all types of data, including textual, numerical, geospatial, structured, and unstructured.

Get started with Managed Service for Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch and Kibana are registered trademarks of Elastic BV in the United States and/or other countries.