Updated April 1, 2024

Velero is a backup, recovery, and migration tool for Kubernetes cluster objects, including persistent volumes. With Velero, you can:

  • Protect your data from loss using a flexible backup system.
  • Recover a cluster faster if it goes down.
  • Transfer data across clusters.

Velero uses the Container Storage Interface driver to create backups and restore persistent volumes from Yandex Cloud disk snapshots.

Deployment instructions
  1. Create a service account required to access Yandex Object Storage:

    yc iam service-account create --name <service account name>
  2. Assign the service account the storage.editor role:

    yc resource-manager folder add-access-binding <folder ID> \
       --role storage.editor \
       --subject serviceAccount:<service account ID>
  3. Create a static access key for the service account in JSON format and save it to the sa-key.json file:

    yc iam access-key create \
       --service-account-name=<service account name> \
       --format=json > sa-key.json
  4. Create an Object Storage bucket for storing backups.

  5. Configure the application:

    • Namespace: Create a namespace called velero. The application uses it by default. If you select a different namespace, you will have to specify it in each command.
    • Application name: Enter an application name.
    • Object Storage static access key: Paste the contents of the sa-key.json file.
    • Object Storage bucket name: Specify the name of the bucket in Object Storage.
  6. Click Install.

  7. Wait for the application status to change to Deployed.

Billing type
Kubernetes® Application
Migration tools
Developer tools
Yandex Cloud
Use cases
  • Creating backups for Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes.
  • Restoring cluster data from backups.
  • Migrating data from one Kubernetes cluster to another.
Technical support

Yandex Cloud technical support responds to requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The types of requests available and their response time depend on your pricing plan. You can activate paid support in the management console. Learn more about requesting technical support.

Product composition
Helm chartVersion
Docker imageVersion
By using this product you agree to the Yandex Cloud Marketplace Terms of Service
Billing type
Kubernetes® Application
Migration tools
Developer tools
Yandex Cloud